- The Printmakers Periodic Table is being honored as part of the Year of Chemistry, 2011. The September issue of Chem 13 News magazine features the Printmaking Periodic Table as the centerfold! Their website is http://www.chem13news.uwaterloo.ca/ Copies of the magazine can be obtained by contacting the editor, Jean Hein at jhein@uwaterloo.ca . Each copy is $5 (I guess Canadian). The address to contact for copies of the newsletter is:
Chem 13 news
Department of Chemistry
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3G1 Canada
- The Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia will be showing the Printmaking Periodic Table at a show called Elemental Matters: Artists Imagine Chemistry. The show celebrates 2011, International Year of Chemistry and features 97 artists' works from all over the globe. The opening is February 4, 2011. The shows should be fabulous, there is a wide variety of techniques and interpretations at play. I hope some of us can get to the shows.